Sunday 9 November 2014

Creating an Outdoor Learning Space on 0$ Budget!

Want to know how to create a outdoor learning space with a 0$ budget?! Please check this page out, it has material ideas and activities you can implement with your students activities like sensory and lose parts!

Please visit:

Outdoor Classroom Video "Sevierville Primary's Outdoor Classroom"

This video shows an outdoor classroom implementing outdoor learning with children. 

If the video can not be played please visit

Educators' Attitudes Toward Outdoor Classrooms and the Cognitive Benefits in Children

Here is a article regrading a case study that was done in a school within the United States. This article was written by Carlie Speedlin, this article is about a case study that was done to show the benefits of having an outdoor classroom and outdoor learning within the school's environment. This article also displayed the lack of awareness educators had on the benefits of outdoor learning. This article has recommendation of materials and methods that should be implemented within the curriculum and the reasons why these are good methods to use. There is also research result of the benefits of outdoor classroom like increasing emotional and cognitive domains. 

For the full article please visit:


Here is a very informative research article written by Kari A. Dietz on the influence of teaching in an outdoor classroom with kindergarten children. 

This research articles talks about theorist like John Dewey, Jean Piaget and Vygotsky putting their theories into practice. Also resrech done on the brain and how an outdoor classroom can benefit the development of a child's brain. Learning science outdoors and the materials that are suggested to be used. Reserch and graphs that display the benefit of implementing outdoor classroom in schools. Please check this article out, it is a long articles but has a lot of information on outdoor classroom that you will find very interesting and effective. 

For the full article visit:

Whats the story? Outdoor education in New Zealand in the 21st century

Here is a research article written by Marg Cosgrif, this article focus on the idea of outdoor classroom in New Zealand within the 21st Century. This article answer questions like....

What is outdoor education? 

What is outdoor education in New Zealand schools?

What is the state of play in outdoor education?

The state of play in outdoor education in physical education in the future?

Even though you may not be home based in New Zealand, but this article has many interesting topic and answer that you can use with in your own country and classrooms. 

For the full article please visit:

Tuesday 4 November 2014


Please visit my Facebook page on Outdoor Classroom

Like us on Facebook at:

Rainbow Bubbles

Now that you have created your outdoor classroom, what can you do within the classroom? Well here is a blog you can visit for creativity ideas like rainbow bubbles. We all know the importance of water play within the play of children and the advantage of having an outdoor classroom is no mess! :) 

Learn, Play and Imagine

Here is a website filled with different outdoor activities that you can implement in your outdoor classroom. For example gross motor games 100 days of play. 

Website on Outdoor Classroom

I found a website that has information on why outdoor classrooms are needed and why it is important. This article talks about getting children away from technology and closer to mother nature,  this articles tells you the benefit of implementing outdoor classroom. 

Please visit:

TD Canada Resources

TD Canada offers resources and grants to start up an outdoor classroom. Please visit the website linked below on how to apply for the TD grant and what TD has to offer in starting up an outdoor classroom. 


For more information on Outdoor classroom please visit my Pinterest page. On my board I have materials, books, ideas and inspiration on outdoor classrooms.

Monday 22 September 2014

The Outdoor Classroom Project

The Outdoor Classroom Project is a website where you can learn more about outdoor classroom, on the website a text book is also available for purchase if you wanted to learn more. 

This is the textbook you can purchase and learn more about how to create and design an outdoor classroom

On the website you can learn about....
  • Characteristics of the Outdoor Classroom
  • Benefits of the Outdoor Classroom

  1. Physical
  2. Cognitive
  3.  Psychological
  4.  Understanding
Link to The Outdoor Classroom Project 

Carrots are Orange Blog

Here is a blog where the blogger shares early childhood activities that can be done outdoor, on the blog you will find ideas on nature activities you can do with your children and students in an  outdoor classroom. 

On this blog you will find...

  • Activities to do in an outdoor classroom
  • Learning for different developmental areas 
  • Outdoor Education
  • Activities for different age groups
  • Book list 
  • Related posts 

To get inspired please visit 

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation

TD is a company that helps and strives to improve the environment, the link below will lead you to TD's website where you can....

  • Donate 
  • Apply for funding 
  • Volunteer in environmental projects 
  • Work with other professionals and children                       
  • Local community projects 
  • Taking children into the environment 

For more info please visit...

Something Good in the World

Here is a blog I found regrading Earth School and Outdoor Classroom the name of the blog is "Something Good in The World"

The link at the bottom will take you to the blog, once you start exploring the blog you will find many different post regrading early childhood education, environmental awareness and many more. 

Here is a link to an outdoor classroom blog post by Something Good in the World

To learn more please visit Something Good in The World by Barbra Sabin

Please vist Something good in the world's Facebook page to learn more...

A Guide to Creating an Outdoor Classroom

The link below directly takes you to a guide on how to successfully create your own Outdoor Classroom...

  • What is an outdoor classroom?
  • Getting started
  • Benefits of outdoor learning 
  • Organization Charts 
  • Tips for funding